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Highest quality standards are achieved through the implementations of latest technology, decades of experience and everlasting moral values , which have helped us to retain our customers as well as multiply them.


Flexographic Printing Press

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The machine :

By perfectly integrating the new generation of electronics and ergonomically designed mechanical components, the machine is made to deliver optimum performance and productivity.

Pelican’s range of converting equipments is designed and developed to achieve high standards in flexible packaging. Its state-of-the-art technology offers excellence in converting solutions.

Frame Structure

Distinctively designed strong and sturdy, heavy-duty steel frame structure, completely machined on CNC-VMC, maintains accuracy over long dependable life and ensures less vibration even with optimum line speed.

The mechanical construction of each component, which undergoes extensive tests, ensures optimum performance and longer equipment life.

Unwind & Rewind Group 

Web guiding system for unwind station. Air Shaft and Safety chucks on unwind and rewind station.

Operator Interface

Master operator control panel and remote operator control panel consists touch screen operating interface facilitates ease in operation.

Safety of operator, machine and electronic modules are achieved with the help of necessary hardware protection and intelligent software routines.

Web Tension Control

Direct web tension control by using three drive control system consists of Load cell based closed loop vector controlled individual AC frequency drives for (I) Unwind station (II) Main drive (III) Rewind station. Unwind : Auto web tension control system by using vector controlled AC drive & motor

Main Drive : Vector controlled AC drive & motor

Rewind : Auto web tension control system by using vector controlled AC drive & motor

Plate Cylinder Group

Hydraulic throw-off system for plate cylinder with separate hydraulic motor ensures continuous rotation of anilox roller which will not allow ink dry-up during machine stop operation. (Optional)

Idle Rollers

Specially designed, dynamically balanced low friction-low inertia idle rollers made of Aluminum alloy, mounted on low friction bearings, enhance rotational smoothness.

Motorized Ink Pump

Speed variable, air motorized Ink pump on each station with ink flow/pressure adjusting valve

In-feed & Out-feed System (Draw unit)

The system mainly composed of matt chromium plated steel roller, and rubber covered nip roller with pneumatically adjustable pressure.

Drying & Exhaust System

Drying Chamber: Mainly consists of AC frequency drive controlled heavy-duty blower with connection duct and dampers to balance fresh and recycling air.

The optimized air flow, minimizes heat consumption and avoid solvent retention in the printed substrates.

Central Exhaust System: AC frequency drive controlled solvent extraction system to exhaust contaminated air from all the print stations through central duct.


Ceramic Anilox Rollers 
Robotic plasma coated and laser engraved with improved cell structure ceramic anilox rollers with quick change over mounting arrangement..

Chamber Doctor Blade

Specially designed chamber doctor blade group, ensure straight profile of the blade resulting in lesser chamber pressure, better print quality & longer anilox roll life.

Motorized Web Video Inspection System

Motorized web video inspection system consists of high quality CCD color camera, Industrial PC & Monitor (facilitates sequential inspection of the lateral and entire print repeat of the web).

Our Vision

* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Flexo Printing Machinery, Flexographic Press, Flexographic Printing Press, Lamination Machines, Roto Gravure Printing Machinery, Roto Printing Machinery, Rotogravure Printing Machines, Rotogravure Printing Press, Single Color Rotogravure Printing Machinery, Single Colour Rotogravure Printing Machinery, Six Color Rotogravure Printing Machinery, Six Colour Rotogravure Printing Machinery, Slitter Rewinders